This policy covers the rules and expectations about guests who attend With One Voice choir rehearsals.

Last updated: 1 March 2023

We’re always delighted when new visitors attend our choirs, as growth is an essential part of the health of our choirs.

New members’ first couple of rehearsals will be cost and obligation free, but if they wish to regularly attend choir they are required to sign up as a member.

For insurance reasons it is imperative that we have participants’ contact details, as well as emergency contacts lest something goes wrong. That means everyone in the room, including guests, personal care assistants, accompanists, etc should be guided towards completing their membership asap.

You can sign up new members online through our portal, or with a paper form.

As a movement of inclusive choirs, our first priority is to ensure that everyone is able to participate, regardless of how much they are able to contribute. However, the choir has weekly costs that need to be covered.

Most importantly though, member fees support those in our choirs who can’t afford to contribute themselves.