This is where you can come and request Creativity Australia to send you new choir t-shirts.
Last updated: 1 March 2023
If you have had a recent influx of new members, you may need to request some new t-shirts for your stocks.
There are two ways you can do this: by filling out the form below, or by printing the T-Shirt Order Form on the right and sending it to withonevoice@creativityaustralia.org.au
T-shirt sizing guides can be found at the bottom of this page.
Good question! Basically, any official member of the choir is eligible for a free shirt. That means they have signed up and set up an ongoing payment method through the choir.
If an existing member needs a replacement t-shirt, we’re asking for $5 per shirt to help subsidise the costs. This can be sent via bank transfer – make sure it’s clear in the description what the transfer is for.