Corporate Partnerships

Corporate Partnerships

CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS Partnering with a company or organisation can provide you with the essential support to help your choir thrive! Below are some tips on how to approach companies and pitch a partnership to them. Last updated: 23 April 2024 Who do I approach? You...

5: Inform

CORNERSTONE 5: INFORM   We have a very limited window in which to effectively communicate important news and information to our members. Straight after singing (or before the last song) is a great time to get their attention, as they’re most likely feeling...
4: Sing

4: Sing

CORNERSTONE 4: SING   When someone enters your choir, they arrive with all the baggage of their workplace or family life, all their social anxiety and feelings of inadequacy, and with all the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Our role is to create a framework that...
3: Warm Up

3: Warm Up

CORNERSTONE 3: WARM UP   You wouldn’t expect a sprinter to dash 100m before stretching… You wouldn’t let a formula one car race without a formation lap… You wouldn’t enter a pie eating competition without pre-stretching your...
2: Intro

2: Intro

CORNERSTONE 2: INTRO   Right before you start to warm up with your choir, we need to take the time to properly introduce the session. This starts from the moment we request everyone’s attention. Getting this introduction right is really important. It sets...