We have a very limited window in which to effectively communicate important news and information to our members. Straight after singing (or before the last song) is a great time to get their attention, as they’re most likely feeling uplifted and engaged. 

We need to honour and respect our members’ time by keeping these communications succinct and of value. You can do this by being prepared with some notes about what needs to be said, putting the most important items at the start and at the end.

Use this time to communicate local news and information about your choir, and also the wider With One Voice network. 

  • Take the time to communicate to your members any choir-specific events, important dates, or other key information.
  • Publicly congratulate new members for making it through their first rehearsal.
  • Announce any news about your members, including birthdays, achievements, health news, or apologies from absent members.
  • This kind of information helps people feel like their part of something bigger than themselves, and helps them feel connected to the goals of the community.


  • Communicate important news from the national With One Voice network.
  • Help us generate excitement and enthusiasm for any upcoming big sing events or national projects.
  • Your members are far more likely to listen to you at rehearsal than to read our emails! We need your help to communicate important messages from HQ.
  • Help your members understand that they are part of something amazing!
  • It is really important that your members understand that they are connected to a national network of choirs – that their contributions help people all across the country find joy and connection.
  • The feeling of being connected to something bigger than yourself is a really important step towards good mental health and happiness.


  • The most successful communities are ones where everyone has a role, no matter how small.
  • Use this time to invite anyone who has something they could contribute to the community to come and see you.
  • Create social incentives for people to join your committee and contribute their time and skills to improve and grow the choir.
  • Big, ongoing jobs can be a bit overwhelming. Try and break things up into small problems, and ask people how they might be able to solve them.